Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Cousin Party with a little Trunk or Treat!

So we took the kids to a workshop at Lowe's. They had such a great time. It was the beginning of a very long day.

So I had to add this pic of the kids out front.We found this skelaton on clearence today and Josh set it up for the party. We found Ben out front laying next to it talking to it. It was way too cute. We will add it to his collection of HaHa's (AKA skelatons)

The kids helped me make the sugar cookies for the cousin party. Ben of course made a skelaton but i forgot to take a picture of it. After making cookies Josh wrestled with the kids. I could'nt help but laugh at Katie's wrestling face.

What a cute little Carebear!

Well we have a Sunday tradition of making pizza's so we decided to have them for our party....our kitchen was a little small but we all had fun!

So I didn't realize that we had Star Wars theame going on until after i bought Katie's costume. I should have had her be Princess Laiya.

After we made Pizza's we decorated our cookies. I think all the kids dumped all the sprinkles on one cookie!

Then we headed to Grandma Montgomery's Trick Or Trunk....the kids had way to much fun and too much sugar!!!!!!!!!! Ben kept eyeballing the Yodas I think he wants a fight!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for organizing the fun get together...we'll do my house next time!

Kyle.Sharo.Chase.Matti.Cole.Zach said...

Your blog is way too cute! I love the pic of you and Katie...