Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ben's 5th B-Day

So this has been sitting in my edit file for awhile and I for got to post Ben's B-day. Here is Ben's cake that Josh insisted making for him. Its a lego cake if you are wondering.

Some of Ben's Friends having lunch.

Our house is so small so it was hard getting everyone in there to open presents. I really wanted to invite more people but I am glad I didn't.

So My sister Brooke "Hooked us up" with this awesome slide for FREE! The kids had a blast. I was just going to have a slip-n-slide.

We had an after party with some friends since we kept it over night sooo fun. Josh and Justin were like two little school boys!

All my towls were dirty it's all I had.

To top off the night we roasted marshmellows and hung by the fire. It was a long fun day. WE were glad it was so nice that day!

Here is Josh putting together Ben's lego Star War's ship's. We deceided that we needed to super glue them so that we wouldn't have to put it back together every 5 min. Man it took Josh a long time.


Chris and Mel said...

can you believe they're five! crazy... miss you.

Anonymous said...

That's really cool!